Today, you'll learn the easy way to make a fitness log using cloud services that won't 'forget' all of your progress that you've made when you need to upgrade your phone's OS, and that you can use anywhere- on your iOS & Android devices, laptop, or even your table computer.
All you need is a Google user account. Click past the jump to get started...
Breaking a little with tradition, I decided to make a tutorial today instead of posting something about how you need to get unstuck from your fitness rut, or whether you should do a two-hand kettlebell swing versus one hand, the way the Ruskies intended. No, no, today we learn a life skill: approaching and owning one's own fitness efforts methodically.
Here in 5 easy steps, your own fitness log:
- Download this template I made for you- by clicking "File" -> "Download".
- Upload the template to your document collection in Google Drive. Click on the link to preview.
- From the preview, open the uploaded spreadsheet in Google Drive by clicking "File" -> "Open With" -> "Google Spreadsheets". This will convert the template into an editable document.
- Click on "Tools" and then "Create Form". A pop up window will appear.
- Use the form creation menus to create checkboxes for the first question, and paragraph responses for the rest. Save the layout, and close the extra browser window.
The easiest way to access the front-end web form is simply to click on the back end spreadsheet "Form" menu and then "Go To Live Form", then bookmark that page so you can open it up at your leisure.
The front end of the form will of course look like a web form, like this.
If you feel up to the challenge, I think you'll enjoy the reward of having a fitness log that will outlast your current phone!
On the other hand, if you'd rather skip all these steps and just pay me a cool $15 to create an extra-customized fitness log for you, including a simple check-box nutrition and general well-being journal, just click on the PayPal button and I'll have one sent to you by the end of the day:
Stay Strong, Friends.
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